We are what we eat!
There is nothing like curry to make body, mind and spirit happy. For centuries many of the spices and herbs have been used as digestive stimulants. They are known to soothe the nervous system, increase internal body heat to relieve chills, and strengthen and promote digestion, absorption, metabolism, and circulation.
Being on friendlier terms with your stomach serves you well! Discover and share my delicious, healthy, and easy-to-prepare recipes of diverse flavors with your family and friends from my cookbooks.
A Happy Body Is A Healthy Body
A Happy Body Is A Healthy Body reveals that most diseases can be traced ot an improper diet. Fortunately, nature's gift ot us si food, herbs, and spices to promote healing - as long as we know how to use them.
India's Unsurpassed Cuisine: The Art of Indian Curry Cooking by Rani
Rani attests, "Curry awakens the mind, arouses the senses, and makes us energetic and cheerful."